About us.

Is a trade organization consisting of companies, individuals and institutions doing business with Japan. Our objective is to promote and maintain commercial links between Japan and Iceland, and further ties in the fields of education, culture, business and politics. The Chamber is a network of companies, institutions and individuals as well as a platform for communicating with the public as well as being a forum to publicly discuss trade interest between Japan and Iceland. We engage in the transfer of knowledge, policies and trends in matters concerning trade between Japan and Iceland. The Chamber organizes meetings and conferences concerning common matters between the two countries and guards the commercial interest of its members in respect of Japanese and Icelandic authorities.


Chairman: Ársæll Harðarson, Icelandair

Board members:

Erla Friðriksdóttir, Íslenskur æðardúnn ehf.

Úlfar Steindórsson, Toyota.

Japanese-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35

105 Reykjavík



+354 510 7100